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The Church Must Wake Up by Dr. Daniel Bobinski | Chișinău Forum 2024


Greetings to all conference attendees, and thank you to Iurie Roșca for hosting this conference.

My name is Dr. Daniel Bobinski… President of Leadership Development, and I thank you for watching this short presentation on the need for the Church to wake up.

One thing that many around the world have noticed is that the lies of the Left grow with each day.

Now before we continue, I suppose it would be good to define “the Left.” From a global perspective, it is generally agreed that the political Left refers to a range of ideologies and movements ― and people in those ideologies prioritize an expanded role for the state. Leftists want governments to regulate the economy and create social equality.

Along with that, people on the Left also advocate for redistributing wealth, usually through progressive taxation and social welfare programs. But when one stops to listen to what they're really saying, people on the Left are criticizing things like personal property.

Why? Because they use any facet they can to try to destroy capitalism. Private property is a component of capitalism, so Leftists criticize private property.

Any person running a company ― or any person involved in leading a company ― is said by Leftists to be controlling production and extracting surplus value from a worker's labor. And so, Leftists criticize private ownership of companies.

Even the family is seen as a bourgeois institution, because families reinforce the values of private property. And so, Leftists believe children should belong to the state so the state can stop perpetuating what Leftists call the “oppressive order.”

Also, because capitalism is often advocated by people with white skin, “whiteness” is now deemed be evil. Even people of color who advocate for capitalist principles are said to be aligning with whitism.

Why? Because an overwhelming number of people would see this asinine mantra of “Whites are evil because they're capitalists” as a bunch of malarkey, the Left has to throw in a red herring. They say all white people are inherently racist ― because racism is horrible (and it is). But with that, Leftists draw the correlation that because anyone who is white is a racist, which is bad, then because white people also support capitalism, then that is also bad.

All that to say, when you hear Leftists denouncing whites, they're not denouncing whites ― they're denouncing capitalism.

Also ― when you hear Leftists promoting transgenderism and anything queer, that is an effort to break up the nuclear family, which they also correlate with capitalism.

Where do Marxists get their morals?

Morals are the principles, or rules, that define right and wrong. Morals are established based on a person's beliefs, values, and ethics.

Those who believe in God know that God established the rules for right and wrong behavior.

  • Murdering other people ― wrong

  • Lying, or bearing false witness ― wrong

  • Adultery and serial sexual immorality ― wrong

  • Stealing ― wrong

We could go on and on. These are moral rules established by God. He sets the standard.

By and large, the morals of our Biblical worldview have kept the world pretty sane over the past centuries. But that's changing. Those on the Left usually do not believe in the need for salvation from God. But even if they do, Leftists who claim to be Christians do not understand the Biblical worldview.

With that, when people are not accountable to God then God is not their rule maker, so THEY decide what is right and what's wrong.

In the viewpoint of most Leftists, “might makes right.” And to be powerful is the highest standard they can achieve.

And, because they can make up their own morals, if one must lie to acquire strength, then so be it. In their minds, they are not accountable to a Holy God, so they don't care about violating God's moral code against lying.

Look around. You're seeing a lot of that happening with increasing frequency.

Deceptions are everywhere

Remember “two-weeks to flatten the curve?” We heard that four years ago, and many believed it, but books have come out now by the people who created that phrase, and in those books they tell us: they were making it up as they went.

It was a deception. It was nothing but an unproven theory.

We were also told that this new mRNA technology was safe, and so-called vaccines were pushed by governments all around the world because they were “safe.”

I say it that way because the mRNA injections did not do what vaccines do. In fact, it was so far off, the FDA changed its definition of a vaccine just to shut down the pushback from ethical doctors.

Because of the lies of the elite, fear and guilt were everywhere, and people complied with the mandates.

Only recently have those who were waving the warning flags been justified. Only in recent months have reports seeped out that the mandates caused much harm. The world was lied to by people who wanted a part in controlling the world.

Only now their lies are being exposed.


Another lie. The world was also told that immigration is good, but, as the saying now goes, immigration without assimilation is an invasion.

We can look at countries throughout Europe and see that rapes and murders are on the rise, with most of the perpetrators being immigrants to those countries.

It's not racist to say that. Those are merely facts.

In America, the southern border no longer has any meaning. Not only are people walking across freely, terrorists come in unnoticed, and tens of thousands of military-aged single men from China have poured over America's southern border in recent months.

Those who abide by true law and justice have been warning that terrorist attacks are just around the corner, but the American Congress is impotent. They talk a lot, but they do nothing to stop the invasion.

Enough of the lies ― it is time for The Church to awaken

People ask me if I think the freedoms and liberties associated with western civilization can be preserved. My answer is that the chances get slimmer every day. From my view, the only way our liberties have chance of surviving is if God is involved. We will need His intervention.

With that said, let's address what's happening within the church.

  • How often are preachers LEADING their congregations in prayer for God to intervene against the onslaught of lies and deception?

  • What are pastors doing with 2 Chronicles 7:14, which says to humble ourselves and pray, and seek God's face and turn from our wicked ways?

  • What are pastors doing to demonstrate what we're told in 1 Timothy 2:1-2, to pray for those in authority?

It's my guess that if Jesus were walking the earth today he'd be doing his share of praying, but he'd also being doing his fair share of table-flipping. I challenge anyone ― pastors especially ― to revisit Scripture and read it in light of the Biblical worldview.

  • God first created the family, and He established rules for the family. Those rules created a government of the family, if you will.

  • God then created houses of worship, and established rules for them.

  • And then God acknowledged kingdoms, or civil governments. Governments have their own set of rules.

In a Biblical worldview, those are three separate entities. Civil governments are not supposed to tell houses of worship what to do, just like houses of worship are not to micromanage the operations of a household.

Nobody wants their pastors or priests telling them which vegetables to serve or which slices of meat to prepare for dinner. Likewise, no church wants the government telling them which songs they can or cannot sing during a service ― or whether they can even have a service.

But remember, when people on the Left get into civil government, their god is power, and in their view, “might makes right.”

With that, they will exercise their power to give themselves more power. The next thing we know, churches are being told they cannot open their doors, and that people can't even come to the church parking lot and sit in their closed cars while a service is broadcast over the radio waves.

This was nothing but a greedy exercise of power from those in civil government.

Sadly, The Church gave in. Pastors yielded their authority. They allowed their governments to dictate what churches could and could not do, and people stopped hearing the gospel.

The truth about “flattening the curve.”

In the early weeks of Covid, we were told “two weeks to flatten curve” was the rule so hospitals wouldn't get overcrowded.

But multiple doctors pointed to the area under the curve and said, “it's the same area.” Whether the curve was tall and narrow or short and wide, the same number of people were going to get sick, and the same number of people were going to die. It's just that one was going to take longer than the other.

In other words, the purpose for shutting down society was never to stop the spread of the virus. It was only to slow the speed at which the virus spread.

Those who claimed shutting everything down would stop the spread were either intentionally lying, or they were unintentionally ignorant.

Wanting to be helpful, churches closed down for a few weeks. But, if you'll recall, hospitals were not overwhelmed. Think back. Makeshift hospitals constructed to handle overflow were quietly dismantled after handing only a few patients. Military hospital ships that arrived in major cities were soon sent away, again, after serving only a few patients.

When that happened, pastors should have said, “Enough!”, and reopened their churches. Churches do not exist to keep the state happy. They exist to feed the Body of Christ for the equipping of the saints.

Now All of what I'm talking about here is just one example, but it's an example of how our pastors in recent decades have allowed themselves to become emasculated. They yield to a state that does not have the church's best interests in mind ― only their own power.

Believers have the power

Believers who are not pastors have also heard the lies. They saw the power grabs ― and more grabs are on the way, that much is sure.

But believers who are not on church staff are not exempt from following God's instruction to make disciples. Therefore, they, too, are not off the hook when it comes to moving past the lies of the enemy.

The enemies of God know that their time is short, so they are grabbing for all the power they can in hopes of holding on to glory they can for as long as they can. It's a false glory, but they don't care. To them, it fulfills their lust for power.

To those who say they follow the Lord God, if they believe the gospel as described in 1 Corinthians 15, that Jesus died according to the scriptures, that he was buried, and that he rose again according to the scriptures, then by that gospel they are saved. Nothing can be done to earn justification. It's simply a matter of belief.

Sanctification? That's a different story, but to be justified before God, it's simply a matter of belief.

So, if true believers are attending a place of worship that bows down to the state, it's time for those believers to find a different place to worship. If none can be found, then find like-minded believers and start a new fellowship. Learn how to disciple. Learn how to live Agape love, as described in 1 Corinthians chapter 13. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, and the enemies of God would love nothing more than to shut down all avenues for believers to make disciples.

Jesus is always our example

The Pharisees were the cultural leaders in the days of Jesus, but Jesus did not acquiesce to the Pharisees' demands. They commanded him to stop preaching. Instead, he called them a brood of vipers and whitewashed tombs. He turned over the tables of the money changers in the synagogues. He stood his ground and did what he knew God wanted him to do, even though the authorities told him not to.

Jesus is our example in all things, including doing God's work in the face of authoritarians grabbing for power.

With that, I want to close by saying that SOME people in the church woke up when the power grabs started in earnest four years ago.

But more power grabs are on the way, and if believers are going to do God's work, then believers need to wake up fully.

They need to stand up and get about doing God's work. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. The church cannot make disciples of all nations if they're sitting still and waiting for instructions from those who are hungry for power.

I'm Dr. Daniel Bobinski. Thank you so much. Be blessed.

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