
And so we come to the end of our event ― and what an event it’s been. I’m just going to spend a few minutes trying to wrap things up. Too much has happened for any summary, but I will just say that what’s struck me, more than anything ― and this is what’s generated a particular kind of spirit amongst us here in Moldova, certainly, and hopefully more widely ― is this: I go (for my sins I have to go) to academic conferences, and in those I hear interesting talks, very well prepared argumentation, beautiful intellectual abstractions, and very rarely somebody who speaks in a very interesting way intellectually but from a very soulful, meaningful, true place. This weekend, we’ve had many such talks, many such presentations, and for me this has made this event truly an exceptional experience. And I hope that’s come across to everybody who’s been watching us online.

When I was doing research for a book recently published about the whole technocracy-transhuman nightmare, in the context of the War on Children, I found a quote which I would just like to share because I think it’s a fantastic quote, and I want to put it into a context. This is a quote from Eric Voegelin, from 1959:

“The nature of a thing cannot be changed; whoever tries to ‘alter’ its nature destroys the thing. Man cannot transform himself into a superman; the attempt to create a superman is an attempt to murder man. Historically, the murder of God is not followed by the superman, but by the murder of man; the deicide of the gnostic theoreticians is followed by the homicide of the revolutionary practitioners”.

Now, the revolutionary practitioners of our days seem to be led, at least symbolically, by Elon Musk. What’s going on there? He’s beginning now, and this is true of his ‘Paypal’ Mafia crew, they’re beginning to talk more and more in terms of what people like us want to hear, while simultaneously preparing another affront to God with these brain implants, or the neural nets they insist we have to have, or whatever it is… so I think these are Voegelin’s ‘revolutionary practitioners’ now, and the fact that an Elon Musk can rise to such prominence, such influence, and be regarded as such an important public voice is the clearest sign I can think of that no human or earthly power or entity or influencer is coming to save us. That is a question for the spiritual realm.

But this weekend, those of us who are here in person, in our bodies, have had a reminder of something very powerful… which is what happens when a group of like-minded, well-intentioned, mutually trusting and engaged people come together and create something very meaningful amongst themselves that they can then carry away. And in this being together we are reminded of very basic things ― coming together, face-to-face, in human contact with human energy, human meaningfulness, that is something which has fortified us. And this is obviously something we need to develop (while we still can, to introduce a note of pessimism, but who knows for how much longer we will be able to do this, in human form?). But it is a powerful reminder ― and I think or hope I can speak on behalf of the group ― that we have had just a very fulfilling, exciting, energizing and nourishing kind of time, and that is our model, I think, for how to move forward.

With that in mind we are very hopeful that, at our next meeting, more of the people who sent their wonderful presentations by video will be able to join us in person. We’ll have news of the next event fairly soon. In other news, just before finishing, I’d like to tell you about Iurie’s new book, Humanity 2.0: Depopulated and Augmented, which is now available in English, French and German versions. All of the presentations we’ve heard this weekend will be put into book form in the very near future, within the next month or two.

So, thanks to everyone who has participated in this, I think, highly significant event, and thanks to Iurie and his team for making it happen. And… we move forward, by the grace of God, and continue doing what we’ve been doing all along, spreading information and depth of understanding, but also the kind of spirit that has animated us this weekend and is only possible when people who understand that we are engaged in a great spiritual battle come together at a very human level. We need the technology, but the technology is not the answer. So, thanks everyone, and we’ll see you next time.