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Christian faith as a shield against the Great Reset by Alex Newman | Chișinău Forum 2024


Hey guys, wonderful to be with you. Thank you, guys, at the forum for putting this on. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of it.

It's an incredible honor to be able to share with you. I wish I could have come in person. Maybe next time the dates and the timing will work out. I would love to meet each of you in person.

So, I was asked to discuss briefly how we respond to the Great Reset and how we resist the Great Reset. And there are many, many different elements that I could address here.

But I think I would like to start with just the basic instructions that Jesus left us with. It's often referred to as the Great Commission. And you find this in a variety of places in the Scripture, but probably nowhere more clearly than in Matthew chapter 28, starting in verse 19.

Jesus tells his followers to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” And some translations say, “teach them to obey all that I have commanded you.” And I think that's a really, really good starting point.

These are instructions that apply to all believers at all times. And so, this is something we can all do. We can resist the Great Reset by following the Great Commission.

We can go out and preach the good news. We can preach the gospel. We can try to lead more of our countrymen to Christ.

And the reality is Christians would not be deceived by the lies, by the fraud, by the deception that the purveyors of the Great Reset are trying to push on us. So, the more people come to know the Lord, the more people repent of their sins and put their trust in God alone for their salvation, the more difficult it will be for evildoers to advance this horrific and very evil agenda. A couple of practical ideas on what we can do.

I would say, start off by getting active in your local church. You know, if you are a Christian, and you should be―eternity depends on it―we really need to get involved through our churches. We are supposed to be salt and light.

Now, the body of Christ has many members, each with different functions, but we need to take that very seriously. So, everybody within the church may have a different role. Me, I'm a journalist.

So, I go to Ephesians 5, verse 11 as my marching orders. I have “no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” or “expose them” is what some translations say. And so, what I do six days a week usually is reprove and expose the unfruitful works of darkness.

I warn Christians and others about the evil that is really overcoming so many nations, so many people in the world. And the church as a local congregation of believers is incredibly important to support us, to hold each other accountable, to be encouraged, to sharpen iron. As the Bible says, “iron sharpens iron.”

So, we talk with each other, we hold each other accountable, we pray, we worship together. And I think a lot of work needs to be done through the church. And one of the key things that we can do is just equip the saints with biblical knowledge.

The word of God addresses so many different areas of life. What is the role of government? How should we be educating our children? What should we look for when it comes to laws and legal codes? So, the more we get familiar with the word of God, the better citizens we will be as well. Now, there are some key points with the Great Reset that I want to address just briefly.

One of the big ones is of course this economic transformation that they're trying to bring about, moving away from what is left of the free market, and trying to eliminate the middle class and centralize all power and control in a very small number of institutions, mostly governments and of course major corporations as they work to shut down small businesses and things like this. So, I would encourage you strongly, if you can, shop locally, support your neighbors and their businesses. Don't support these big mega corporations that are coming in to try to buy out and shut down the small businesses that really sustain our communities and that are the backbone of the middle class.

We've got to do our best to support local folks. And that means local farmers, local business owners, local grocers, and some of the other things that we think about. Another big element of the Great Reset, as the World Economic Forum puts it, is the “fourth industrial revolution.”

This shift toward digitizing everything, this technological panoptic is a digital prison that they're trying to build. And of course, ultimately resulting in what Klaus Schwab describes as “a fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological identities.” We've got to resist this in every way possible.

And so, I urge people to really push back on that. Stop giving your data to the big evil companies that are weaponizing it against you. If you must use technology, and of course technology can be a useful tool in all this as well.

But if you must use technology, use companies that you know are not going to be weaponizing the data you're giving them and using it against you. Stop using Google. There's a lot of options out there other than Google that do very good work.

There's DuckDuckGo, there's Brave, a lot of different options out there. There's a lot of good social media outfits out there as well if you feel the need to use social media for some reason. Another big element of the Great Reset, and Klaus Schwab talks about this in his book on the Great Reset, is this shift toward regional government.

He talks about the people being upset with globalism and globalization during the COVID pandemic. And then he says we have an in-between solution, which is regionalization. I know the folks in Moldova right now are being pulled between the Eurasian Union and the European Union.

The idea of just remaining free and independent seems to never be one of the serious options that are given. And we saw the same thing with Ukraine. There's absolutely no reason why nations need to give up their sovereignty and join these international, regional, and multi-lateral organizations that then want to dictate to us how we can live, how our businesses must operate, what our economy must look like, what our immigration policies should be. This is ridiculous. These are questions for sovereign nations to determine.

And so, to the extent that you can resist the pull into either the European Union or the Eurasian Union, I think that would be very good. And I know Moldova is a small country, but small countries can do great, great things and should. So, get involved in the political process so that you can work on all these things.

That doesn't mean everybody here needs to run for office. Again, God called each of us to different things. God has given each of us different talents, different skills, different passions, different tools.

But for some of us, we are called to run for office. And so, see if you can get involved in the political process at some level. And even if you can't get involved, you can still be active in the process.

Find a party or a candidate that you know agrees with your values, that you know doesn't want to sell out your country to the New World Order, to the Great Reset, to the global tyrannical agenda, and support them. Maybe help them win elected office so that they can serve in parliament, or they can serve at a local level. This is more important, I think, right now than ever.

If we are to be salt and light, we should be salt and light in all spheres, including in the sphere of civil government. And part of serving in government as Christians, as people who love God, means to have a good understanding of why God even created government. The government is not to educate your children or take money from you and give it to your neighbor.

The government is not to promote bad ideologies, things like this. The purpose of the government is to punish evil. And God has already defined evil.

Evil is murder. Evil is theft. Evil is slavery and rape and these kinds of things.

And so, we know why God ordained civil government, and we must stand on that. We need to stop paying attention to the media. The media is not a good source of information for us to rely on.

They are more than often lying to us, deceiving us, trying to stampede us into fear. We must never be afraid. And I think that's a point that we really need to remember.

I think we're coming up to right now sometimes where we're going to be told by the television that we must be afraid, whether it's a new virus, whether it's the threat of another war, whatever it is, we've got to be very careful not to fall into the temptation to be scared. As we read in 2 Timothy 1, verse 7, it says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” So, we as Christians must not be afraid.

And if you want to know how seriously God takes fear, go read Numbers chapter 13 and Numbers chapter 14, and you'll see God almost destroyed his own people for being scared when they should not have been scared. One of the most critical things that I can think of is actually education. God has assigned the responsibility for educating children to the family.

And so, we need strong families. We need a biblical model for a family. God has given us instructions, not just for how civil government should operate, not just for how church government should operate, but also for how family government should operate.

And it is absolutely clear throughout the scriptures that moms and dads are primarily responsible for the education of their own children. If you want to know what that looks like, go read Deuteronomy chapter 6. Go read Deuteronomy chapter 11. We are to be teaching our children about God and his word and his laws and what he has done for us when we wake up in the morning, when we're walking by the way, when we're sitting down to eat, when we're going to bed at night.

This is an all day, everyday affair. Of course, we can delegate some of that responsibility to others, but we must always keep in mind what Ephesians chapter 6 verse 4 tells us, that we are to raise up and disciple our children in the fear, the discipline, the admonition of the Lord. And if you wonder what a real education should look like, don't look to the government.

Don't look to UNESCO, which is right now trying to centralize control over education around the world. Look to the Bible. The Bible has a lot of insight to offer on this.

One of the places that I think is most important, and the church fathers talked about this early on in church history, go back to Proverbs, Proverbs 9, 10, Proverbs 1, 7. We learn that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. So that is the critical starting point for how we are to model our education.

It begins with the fear of the Lord. We seek first the kingdom of God, and then everything else will be added unto us. Yes, math is important. Science is important. History is important. Reading, writing, these things are very important, but nothing is more important than teaching our children what God has told us to teach them.

So always keep that in mind. Always keep that in your heart and always ask yourself, what is the purpose of education? Am I doing what God would want me to do with children? So, strengthen your family. Husbands, love your wives like Christ loved the church.

Wives, submit to your husbands. This is the biblical model for family, and it's a model that the world and Satan are absolutely waging war on. They're telling us that this is bad, that this is wrong, that divorce is good, that fornication is good.

We need to get back to what God has revealed to us about all these different topics—marriage and gender and family. When you follow the instruction manual, things work well, and there is nothing that is more dangerous to the evil agenda that we're seeing right now when it comes to human relationships than a strong family. That's why there's been a war on the family for generations and generations.

It is afflicting all of us, and we need to stand firm on what God has taught us on this front. Finally, I want to close with a little bit on the nature of the conflict that we find ourselves in. Ultimately, this is not a political battle.

It's not an economic battle. It's not an educational battle. It is, at its core, a spiritual battle.

The clearest scriptures that we read on this come out of Ephesians in chapter 6, starting in verse 12.  Apostle Paul tells us “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against the powers, against the rulers, against the darkness of this world, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the high places.” In other words, this isn't just bad people.

We're talking here about demonic, evil powers from the pit of hell that hate God, that hate mankind because mankind is created in the image of God, that hate the truth that God has given us, that hate the model God has given us for family, that hate the model that God has given us for government, and that especially hate the church. The church is under relentless assault, and it's a spiritual battle. Thankfully, God has told us how we deal with this struggle.

If you keep reading in Ephesians 6, you go down to verse 16. It says we should take the shield of faith. That's what we're going to use to quench the fiery darts of the wicked.

Then, in the very next verse, it says we take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. We need to recognize that that is our offensive weapon in this war. Our weapons are not carnal.

Our weapons are not fleshly. Our weapons are spiritual, especially the Word of God. Jesus actually told us how to do this.

He gave us a perfect example. If you go to Matthew chapter 4, the devil takes him up to an exceedingly high mountain and shows him all the kingdoms of the world and says unto him, “all these things I will give you if you fall down and worship me.” Jesus responds to Satan. He says, “Get thee hence, Satan. It is written,” quoting the scriptures, “’thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.’”

We need to remember that when we are told to bow down to the proverbial golden idol in Daniel chapter 3 that Nebuchadnezzar built, our response must be exactly the same as the response of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

“O King, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. Our God can protect us from the fiery furnace, but even if he doesn't, we're still not going to bow down to your golden idol.” We must stand firm on this, no matter what the cost, and there will be costs.

We know that all those who live righteously in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution is what we read in 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 12. We know the battle is not ours, it is the Lord's, and we know that if God is for us, no one and nothing can be against us. We know how this ends, ladies and gentlemen, and we should be encouraged by that.

The gates of hell will never prevail against the church of Jesus Christ. By the time this is all done, God's enemies are going to be made a footstool, and that applies to so many of the people right now working on this Great Reset. We know from Romans chapter 14 that every knee is going to bow, every tongue is going to confess to God, and we should be encouraged by this, and we should feel beyond honored and blessed that we can be a very small part of God's incredible plan.

Thank you, brothers, and sisters. I really appreciate the opportunity to be with you. I hope to get to meet you in person someday, and God willing, that will happen in the not-too-distant future.

Until then, thank you, and God bless you all. Keep fighting the good fight.

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