
Total War and Spiritual Insurgency by Justino Carneiro | Chișinău Forum 2024

A crucial principle in understanding our situation is knowing where we stand. Today, we stand in the position of insurgents. Political and metapolitical insurgents, spiritual insurgents. This reality is not by our own choice but due to the will of the enemy who has been on the offensive for centuries and has gained a significant upper hand since the early 20th century. I refer to the ritual murder of the last legitimate Orthodox Christian ruler in Russia, the victory of the Atlantic powers in the First World War, the creation of the League of Nations ― the precursor to the United Nations and its associated international institutions ― and the initial official steps toward establishing the Zionist entity with the Balfour Declaration addressed to Lord Rothschild.

As an Orthodox Christian, I understand these events in light of Apostle Paul’s teaching in his Second Letter to the Thessalonians, where he describes the removal of the κατέχον ― the force restraining the mystery of iniquity (or lawlessness) and the Antichrist ― marking the beginning of the era of apostasy that leads to the reign of the Antichrist. I do not understand this in any metaphorical way, but literally. As we know, though, from our holy Fathers and elders, who have authoritatively interpreted the apocalyptical and eschatological elements of our revealed tradition, the history of this aeon unfolds in a spiral. We can thus find analogous spiritual patterns at play in any epoch, until the end of the aeon. This signifies that the question of the operation of the katechontic power in restraining the mystery of lawlessness does not lose its meaning in the era of unleashed apostasy.

According to the meticulous research of Carrol Quigley and Antony Sutton, among other scholars, the instigators of these 20th-century events can be traced back to circles established by British imperialist Cecil Rhodes and his successors. These circles, known as the Round Table movement, were closely linked with American financial and industrial collaborators. But their analysis can be supplemented by facts beyond the confines of the late 19th and 20th centuries. Other authors have demonstrated the existence of a continuous Anglo-Zionist thread immediately preceding this period. Moses Hess, the proto-Zionist mentor of Karl Marx, explicitly discusses in his 1862 book Rome and Jerusalem the colonization of Palestine by Jewish settlers under the protection of Western nations. He also refers to the creation of a secret society aimed at achieving this goal and mentions Rabbi Hirsch of Luxembourg's infiltration of Freemasonry as a “means to amalgamate all the historical cults into one.”

Hirsch, a Jewish Hegelian philosopher, established the first branch of the Alliance Israëlite Universelle in the United States, originally founded in 1860 by Adolphe Crémieux, a French Jewish Freemason. The American branch of the Alliance was intimately linked with the then recently founded B’nai B’rith. The B’nai B’rith, an alternate Jewish Freemasonic organization founded in New York, played a significant role in sparking civil unrest in America, which would contribute to its full integration into the political and military Atlantic alliance directed by Britain. This integration marked the abandonment of America's isolationist stance as outlined in the classical Monroe Doctrine, with far-reaching consequences in the 20th and 21st centuries.

In parallel with these American developments, both the Universal Israelite Alliance and the B’nai B’rith would later become involved in the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, the Armenian and Greek genocides and the founding of the modern Turkish national state. The Young Turks were established in the 1890s by Emmanuel Carasso, an official of the Italian B’nai B’rith and grand master of an Italian Masonic lodge, which included all the top Young Turk leaders as members. Remember that Jerusalem was under the Ottoman Empire until 1918. Given all this, it does not seem difficult to surmise which secret society Moses Hess was alluding to.

If we go even further back, we see that Hess's plan loses its novelty. In this direction we move from machinations of a political nature to a more occult dimension. After the foundation in 1717 of the Freemasonic Grand Lodge of London, a series of High Masonic Degrees were gradually created. The origin of many of these degrees was shrouded in mystery. The most perplexing explanation for the creation of the High Degrees was made famous by a dispute involving the creation of the Rite of Strict Observance by Baron Karl Gotthelf von Hund, who claimed that he had been originally initiated into these rites by the “Unknown Superiors”. This Rite, transmitted by the Unknown Superiors, established the supposed connection between the Knights Templar and Freemasonry. Other infamous characters like Cagliostro, the creator of the so-called “Egyptian Freemasonry”, which would lead to the creation of the Rite of Memphis-Misraim, and Martinez de Pasqually, the creator of the Order of the Elect Priests of the Universe and the master of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, claimed similar obscure origins to their rites.

In fact, the remarkable work of Marsha Keith Schuchard has cogently demonstrated that these Unknown Superiors can be traced back and identified as Sabbatean and Frankist Jews, with the Kabbalist Samuel Jacob Falk, also known as the Baal Shem of London, being foremost among them. All these occultic branches of Freemasonry were creations of Sabbatean Jewish Kabbalists, including Templar Freemasonry, as previously mentioned. Beyond Freemasonry, these Sabbatean-Frankist Jews had established connections with the chivalric orders of European nobility. They operated together as the inner circle directing both Freemasonry and parallel secret societies such as the Asiatic Brethren.

Sabbateanism was the first leading Jewish messianic movement with a massive impact on European Jews, created by the followers of Sabbatai Tzvi who lived in the Ottoman Empire and who proclaimed himself the Jewish Messiah in 1666. He later apostatized to Islam, a decision that not only led to the doctrine among his followers that apostasy from Judaism fulfilled Judaism but also to the doctrine and practice of “redemption through sin.” Essentially, it believed that by increasing and intensifying sin, the arrival of the Jewish Messiah could be hastened.

This practice was a variation of the prior kabbalistic idea of the tikkun olam, the “rectification of the world”. According to this vision, in the beginning, God, who was infinite light, contracted himself in order to produce a dark space in which to create the world. But the original vessels shattered and their shards became sparks of light trapped within material darkness. The rectification of the world was described as the releasing of this light from matter through ritual acts. In one interpretation of this practice, predating the concept of redemption through sin, it was believed that separating the holy from the created world, thereby depriving the physical world of its very existence, would lead to the destruction of the material universe. This act aimed to restore everything to its original state before the cosmic catastrophe. A total apostasy and a total metaphysical war on creation was declared. In the Sabbatean interpretation, the Jewish messianic impulse acquired an antinomian form. The intensification of sin and lawlessness became the privileged method of hastening the coming of the Messiah, in turn identified with the final state in the repairment of a fallen world.

In his book Land and Sea, Carl Schmitt, in his sharp style, wrote, and I quote:

World history is the history of the wars waged by maritime powers against land or continental powers and by land powers against sea or maritime powers.

And he would go on to add:

According to the medieval interpretations put forth by the cabbalists, world history is a combat between the strong whale, leviathan, and the no less strong behemoth, a terrestrial animal, which was represented imaginatively as a bull or an elephant. (...) According to the cabbalists, behemoth tries to tear leviathan to pieces with its horns and teeth, while in turn, leviathan tries hard to stop the land animal’s mouth and nostrils with its flaps and fins in order to deprive it of food and air. This is a graphic illustration, which only the mythological imagery can convey, of the blockade to which a sea power subjects a land power by cutting its supplies in order to starve it to death. In the end, the two opponents kill each other. But the cabbalists go on to say that the Jews solemnly observe the millennial festival “The Feast of Leviathan”.

Finally, in a variation on this same theme in another book, he added the following observation, quote:

This mutual "ritual slaughter and massacre" is for them lawful and "kosher," and they therefore eat the flesh of the slaughtered peoples and are sustained by it.

It was a typical characteristic of sea warfare to target directly or indirectly the enemy’s civilian population, in contrast with more classical land warfare scenarios where two armies confront each other. According to Schmitt, sea warfare contains an eminently disaggregating element. Unlike an occupying land power, a sea power enforcing a blockade has no interest in establishing order and security in enemy territory. The blockading force remains distant and absent. Its interests in the blockaded country's conditions are purely negative, aimed solely at disrupting and destroying any existing order. Even in cases where a sea power effectively occupies enemy territory after rendition, the disaggregating element inherent in sea power remains. For Schmitt, this was a defining trait of British Imperialism as a force of delocalization and deterritorialization. The relationship to the occupied territory is always subversive. And subversion can also assume the form of infiltration and internal destabilization of the enemy’s territory and population.

One technical novelty of the 20th century in terms of warfare was the emergence of air war. Air war bears some structural resemblances to sea war, but in this case the destructive factor increases dramatically. Independent air warfare severs the connection between the force exerting power and the affected population even more than a naval blockade does. In the case of air bombardment, there is an absolute disconnect between the military personnel in the air and the land, as well as its inhabitants, below. With air bombardment it becomes tendentially impossible to separate military targets from civilian targets.

But an even more characteristically new element of 20th century warfare was gas warfare, introduced in the First World War. Until this point, war, as described by Clausewitz and practiced by Napoleon, involved attacking the adversary’s vital functions first. Using poison gas signaled the passage from classical war to total war. In this new warfare paradigm the main idea was no longer to target the enemy’s body, but their environment. The object of attack became the very conditions necessary to life. This particular trait marks the technical passage to total war. The atmosphere itself becomes a weapon.

From this point onwards there were no more limits to the acceleration and intensification of environmental weaponization. From chemical warfare, the way was opened to biological warfare, genetic warfare, electromagnetic warfare and neurological warfare. And beyond this still, to cyberwarfare, informational warfare, psychological and mental warfare and, of course, spiritual warfare.

In the era of total war, as a total mobilization of all psycho-physical media, destruction destroys itself and becomes negative construction, counter-construction. The targeting of the environment renders it explicit, it makes what was naturally given, like air, an object of manipulation which can be technically controlled. All nature becomes in principle technically mobilized and weaponized. Total apostasy from nature spills into a totalitarian technocratic counter-nature.

In the face of this total onslaught, any mere social, economic, political and moral solutions are utterly powerless.

This negatively reconstructed ― “rectified” ― counter-nature assumes the guise of a new creation, a re-creation of the whole global human population as collateral damage, as the inevitable object of total warfare. Its new chemical, biological, electromagnetic, neurological, psychological and spiritual make-up constitutes its own new counter-natural body. Even a new blood. The Body of Antichrist.

Is there any chance for any katechontic power in the era of apostasy?

Saint Gabriel of Georgia, the fool for Christ, St. Sophrony of Essex and Elder Iustin Parvu of Romania, three holy men of the 20th century, have left us the same message. To quote Elder Iustin in particular:

It is very important to know how to pray (...). We have to work the prayer from the inside out (...). Now, more than ever, lay people have to pray from the heart, because this will be our only salvation. In the heart is the root of all passions and that is where we need to direct our struggles (...). If we will not pray from the heart, we will not be able to sustain the psychological attacks, because the evil one has hidden brainwashing methods that are unknown to us (...). There will be great deceptions and only the Holy Spirit will give us the discernment we need so we could save ourselves. Pray that you will not be deceived ! Only through prayer we can receive the Holy Spirit.

But as Orthodox Christians we know that there is no prayer without communion in the body and blood of Christ. The Church is the Body of Christ, his pure, holy and immaculate Theantropic Organism.

Truly I say to you: unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no LIFE in you. (John 6:53)

And we know, as the Gospel says, that “from that time, many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.”

But this is not metaphorical, it is not abstract. It is real, physiological, corporeal. The demons, whether by their own will or summoned by the globalist agents of the conspiracy of non-being, can only exploit our passions. They instill the passions through mental suggestions and then gain power over man by means of the somatized passionate thought. The new counter-physiology makes it virtually impossible to resist their noetic provocations.

But we have the body of Christ. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing. Only through prayer we can receive the Holy Spirit.

This is our spiritual insurgency.