Considering its history can we not openly declare it as a eugenics operation just as literal nazis of the highest level were placed in NATO. Look who's trying to run the world. They are and all for their overlord bloodline families we have all been given a clear picture of.

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Dear lurie, dear Meryl, I am very concerned about the news release on the website of the WHO (news of 4th of july) which states that the WHO recently issued updated guidance for national authorities and biomedical laboratories to manage biological risks.

In this piece they actually do confess as to the existence of biowarfare labs and the potential risks of leaking.

It states: 'New updates in the guidance include the strengthening of cybersecurity measures and handling of confidential information such as patient records; reducing risks from new technologies, including those related to genetic modification and manipulation of pathogens, and artificial intelligence (AI); and advice on keeping laboratories safe and secure during emergencies like wars, civil unrest, and disasters from natural hazards.'

WHO updates laboratory biosecurity guidance: https://www.who.int/news/item/04-07-2024-who-updates-laboratory-biosecurity-guidance

pdf: https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA77/A77_R7-en.pdf

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Hi there, dismantle the WHO and the U.N. they are nothing positive for humanity

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