Aug 2·edited Aug 2

6 years inside any man"s box or prison is wrong! SO you have pissed someone off. who? the sentencing judge or whomever else you decide to NOTICE and offer your fee schedule, attempt to create remedy, make Peace with.. lawyer? not my personal choice, you are a man that has experienced a lot. you Have the skills and the tools to carry on thy work. indeed, may the Creator continue to protect ye into the future, brother. thy friend, lee in Taiwan..

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Who is really to blame for depopulation?

The multitudes of emasculated entities, who want their "sexual partners" baby proof, so they can enjoy sex without responsibility.

The pill - best thing since sliced bread - convenient, "responsible", essential even.

The effect on the female body, fertility and the ability to conceive in the future, are not critical considerations.

Contraceptive abortion (murder) is quite acceptable to these moral inerts.

Abortion (murder) at any stage, even up to full-term, may also be quite acceptable.

Excuse me please, I must hastily retreat to my underground bomb shelter!

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Jul 19·edited Jul 21

I can't believe that 2000 years after the failed Jewish messiah was killed there are still people believing the solution to mankind's problems lies in the random concoctions of his followers. We are still quoting contradictory evangelists, and even more the inventive Paul, thinking they paint a consistent and profound picture. What an intellectual quagmire Christianity is.

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'voltooid' = with 2 o's.

Thank you Alex!

I for myself dream of a new society in which the healthy child and healthy nurturing would be the core of reference for everything. A very female view I suppose but it is necessary to get the male - female back into robust balance again.

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We, as a species, and also other life forms on our fair planet, have entered another series of "selection-events", in evolutionary terms.

Our first selection is our own sub-specialized apex-predators-on-the-human-herds...

That's the stuff we've all been training for our whole lives.

Nature, and I don't mean "climate change", but recurring space-weather-catastrophe cycle events will be the more serious threat to the resourceful survivors of this novel-word-war-3.

Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.

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The speaker would scoff at the stupidity of evolutionary mythology, and so would I.

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There are "selection events" in the human genetic history, notably about 14,000 and 40,000 years ago.

It's a thing, "Genesis Flood", stuff like that.

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