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A few highlights on Mind Control strategies for the masses by Calistrat Marvin Atudorei | Chișinău Forum 2024

It is no longer a secret that behind the governments of the world there has been for at least 100 years an Invisible Government that seeks by all kinds of means to take total control over humanity. I recall here the words of American President Theodore Roosevelt, who in 1912 publicly stated that "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people". [1]

Numerous ideologues of the shadowy "elite" have sought over the years to numb the conscience of the masses with delusional theories designed to make the peoples of the world willingly accept the "necessity" of establishing a form of world governance. Antonio Gramsci, for example, a key theorist of the of Frankfurt School, argued that society must be infused by the ruling class through some form of political and cultural persuasion so that the classes at the bottom of society would no longer revolt, but accept being dominated and even willingly submit, as a kind of "happy slaves". [2]

By 1927, the ideology of vitiated consent, developed in direct collaboration with the Frankfurt School's leading thinkers, was officially inoculated in the bosom of American "democracy" through contributions such as that of Edward Bernays, grandson of the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. In his work entitled Propaganda, Bernays argued that "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who master the social forces and who create new ways to subdue and guide the world." [3]

Not coincidentally, Bernays was later put in charge of the CBS network (Columbia Broadcast System) in its early days. It was also at this time that the Rockefeller Foundation began to heavily fund studies and experiments with potential of social impact. One of the famous experiments (apparently coordinated by the CIA) that later became a landmark in the development of mind control techniques was the CBS broadcast of the radio play "War of the Worlds", based on a novel by H. G. Wells, on 31 October 1928. It was exactly on Halloween night, when demonic spirits were already widely evoked in the United States. The broadcast followed a special strategy of influencing the public, which had a stunning effect. I will briefly mention a few details for offering a more suggestive example. Against the background of a radio atmosphere that seemed quite ordinary, with relaxing music and banal news, the rhythm was suddenly broken by "reports" that America was under attack by extremely aggressive beings, possessing flying ships and causing great destruction with a kind of laser beam, who were said to have come from Mars. The terror instilled in the public across the United States was so great that thousands of people took to the streets running desperately for saving their lives. Police received a huge number of phone calls and several fatalities were recorded due to the panic-induced disturbances.

Given the high-impact outcome of the experiment, media broadcasts began ― especially after the 1940s, under the careful coordination of the Tavistock Institute ― to become a major factor in directing the collective mind. With regard to the research undertaken by the Tavistock Institute, it is significant what one of the experts there, Dr. William Sargeant, said in 1957 in his book Battle for the Mind ― A Physiology of Coversion and Brain-Washing: "On people whose brain functioning was disturbed sufficiently enough through the intentional or accidental induction of fear, anger or excitement can be inoculated with many ideas. The most frequent result caused by such disruption is the temporary damage of the discernment and the increased suggestibility. The events that take place within groups are sometimes characterized by the term “herd instinct”, and occur most often during wars, severe epidemics, and generally in times of great danger, which increase anxiety and therefore the individual and mass suggestibility". [4] So here is the objective pursued by the System's experts: people to live in fear in order to behave like a herd!

Turning back to radio and especially television, their influence has become increasingly determinant in society. CBS quickly became a highly promoted television station, soon joined by others, all owned by the more and more wealthy corporations of the shadowy government.

We are now well aware that through these corporate television networks, various narratives desired by the shadowy "elite" are imprinted with professional (and perverse) persuasion into the consciousness of the masses, narratives that have nothing to do with truth, journalistic ethics or morality. Thus, for example, the armies of pseudo-journalists, together with the subservient politicians and the System's front "specialists", have played out the genocidal theatre of the "Covid-19 pandemic", which has killed tens or hundreds of millions of people worldwide. All over the world, the exact same lying phrases have been infused, the same restrictive measures and the same criminal protocols have been imposed. Any informed opinion from real experts has been banned (and even punished), so that we have witnessed the instill of a strange form of evil hypnosis on a planetary scale.

To put things in perspective, we can see that over the past decades manipulation and propaganda have justified in the same way countless wars, regime overthrows, coups, staged revolutions or "humanitarian interventions" (such as NATO's in Yugoslavia or Libya). Also through the manipulation of narratives, the public interpretation of major false-flag attacks, such as that of 11 September 2001, has been manipulated, most often on the basis of the "problem-reaction-solution" strategic triad. Also, by setting narratives in the collective mind, strange deviations from the norm such as gender ideology, the rhetoric of people's guilt for "climate change" or encouraging people to eat… all kind of bugs have been gradually implemented in society. Very important in this strategy has also been the introduction of demonic ideas and symbols into mainstream culture (in music shows and films, even in children's cartoons), or by the introduction of freakish fashions (torn, deformed, aberrant clothes). All of these were set down gradually, using step by step the strategy known as "The Overtone Window" (the method of changing perception by advancing in small steps).

A fundamental aspect about the ideological basis of imposing a narrative on the mass consciousness is that of quantum physics. Unsurprisingly, mass manipulation institutes rely on complex scientific studies from all fields. Studies that the shadowy 'elites' have been funding for many decades. Thus, according to quantum research, the outside world is not an objective given, but is/becomes as we strongly believe it to be. The idea was also taken up by post-modernist philosophy, and is reflected in now-famous political philosophy articles such as Alexander Wendt's Anarchy is what states make of it, in which the author argues that the Cold War ended amicably thanks to then USSR President, Mikhail Gorbachev, who created a pacifist paradigm. It was for this very reason that Gorbachev, who was highly appreciated by Western puppet masters, was awarded with Nobel Peace Prize in 1990.

The fact that mind (consciousness) influences matter is really genuine, attested. A known application are the internal psycho-physiological processes called Placebo (healing by positive thinking) and Nocebo (sickness by negative thinking). The little known part is that the external environment (natural phenomena, social environment, etc) can be (and are) also inherently shaped by the collective thoughts and emotions. The scientific explanation is that of energy substrate and field, which are easily influenced by consciousness. For more details, I recommend considering the conclusions of the elementary experiment in quantum physics on the emission of an electron towards a two-slit wall or the conclusion of scientists that an experimenter is never neutral, but automatically becomes a "participant". In spiritual traditions this information has been known intuitively for a very long time and as such has been used for the purpose of harmonising, protecting and uplifting human communities, especially through collective prayers. However, the globalist "elite" uses this information to induce resonance processes with negative energies, which disrupt, limit and block the creative potential of the masses of people. This is done primarily through television, which almost entirely emits only negative suggestions, emotions and vibrations. Psychotronic installations (such as HAARP, but also much smaller ones) are also used, which generate various negative states in the population, such as tension, stress or passivity, corresponding to the specific frequency of the transmission used.

Particularly important for understanding the psychological profile of the behind-the-scenes "elite" members is the fact that they are practically without exception part of various occult, secret, demonic-oriented organizations. Whether we are talking about the Illuminati sect, the Jesuits, Freemasonry, the Skull&Bones, etc., the basic characteristic common to all these groups is that they seek to receive subtle power from certain dark entities. This becomes obvious when we follow their horrific rituals, in which they worship an arrogant deity, in whose name they even make human sacrifices and often drink the blood of the victim (especially children). Let's be under no illusions: these rituals really do work, and that's why members of the Cabal are so consistent in performing them! The main objective that the psychopaths of the globalist elite at the top of the satanic pyramid pursue is not money (which they already have) or even social power per se (which they also have), but a certain state of evil occult power, which they imagine they can obtain through those otherworldly dark entities whose reward they demand. For members of these Cabals, the masses of humans are comparable in importance to animals, and so they seek to keep the population down to a small number. Those "left" alive can have no other purpose, they consider, than to be slaves totally controlled mentally by the "elite".

Satanists at the top of the pyramid of secret organizations offer all sorts of ritual "gifts" to those entities they evoke in their ceremonies and expect to receive success and power in return. These rituals, which are in fact black magic rituals, often involve the unconscious masses of people, who do not even know what they are participating in and to what effect. Such practices were included in the opening ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics [5] , in the opening ceremonies of [6] the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) near Geneva (Switzerland) in 2016 or at the opening of the Gotthard railway tunnel [7] near CERN, also in 2016. It is significant that those rituals were attended by, among others, top leaders of various globalist organisations, a fact that indicates what their tastes and inclinations are like. The ceremonies were broadcasted live on central television, which made the occult force generated grow enormously by engaging the collective mind and emotions at mass level, being thus created a huge psychic field. Another example, very recently, is the staging of a 'song' in the Eurovision 2024 contest which was obviously a horrific and persuasive satanic incantation. [8]

These ritualistic satanic performances therefore have a double role: on the one hand they accumulate the psychic energy of the crowds of spectators to give strength to the ritual, and on the other they inoculate the collective mind with demonic seeds. By systematically generating these resonances, it becomes very probabile, especially for certain categories of people, to grow up serious evil effects. They also, by default, end up perverting society as a whole and dramatically lowering the general level of consciousness. Masses of people with a low level of conscience can thus be more easily controlled and subdued. On the other hand, spiritual collectivities, animated by high ideals and immutable moral values, cannot and will never be able to be controlled by dark forces through such tricks. This is why the primary objective of all satanic groups is to dismantle and destroy genuine spiritual groups and especially their leaders.

A final point I wish to make is that Satanist leaders are initiated into numerous occult mysteries that give them a powerful hold over the masses. They know, for example, the importance of astrological conjunctions in potentiating an action. An eloquent example, documented by historian Juri Lina, is the Bolshevik attack on the Imperial Winter Palace (where Kerensky's Provisional Government was then located) at a specific time of night in October 1917. [9] It was an hour of maximum negative astrological influence of the Scorpio sign. Hence the name of the book (1998) written by Juri Lina: Under the Sign of Scorpio. Satanic occultists are also obsessed with numbers and symbols. Notable examples are all the covers of The Economist magazine (funded by the Rockefeller Foundation) which convey coded messages about the future to those in the know. In the same line of black magic, no false flag attacks and no stage of globalist agendas are carried out at random. [10] Also, a point that has now become apparent is that through movies, mainstream media articles, and corporate TV news, suggestions and symbols are being systematically inserted into people's minds to serve the precise purpose of their predictive mental programming. A certain version of the future is hypnotically repeated for the masses so that when events are directed towards that course, the general impression of the population is that "we expected this".

There are many more methods and techniques of Mind Kontrol of large collectives.

On a social level one could talk about keeping people insecure and poor, about plans to mix races by pouring in millions of immigrants, about cultivating sexual deviations or about the irresponsible encouragement of trans-humanism and Artificial Intelligence. The common denominator of these methods is keeping people confused, ignorant, afraid and tense.

At the physiological level, we could also mention, as adjuvants in Mind Kontrol methods, the injection of criminal serums (so-called "vaccines"), the deliberate introduction of toxic additives in food and water, the implementation (disastrous for health) of 5G technologies or the systematic and criminal dumping of toxic chemtrails in the skies of the planet.

Almost all of these ways are in one way or another integrated and encouraged by the UN's Agenda 2030 and other organisations with claims to global leadership (including the World Economic Forum in Davos).

Conclusion: we are in the middle of a war of globalist psychopaths with the world's population. It is an informal and invisible war, waged by all means and especially by psychological operations, which is why it has been classified as "fifth generation warfare". It is essentially a spiritual war, as the stakes are people's consciences. The spiritual reason why the Satanic psychopaths are doing everything in their power to block or alter our consciousness is that precisely our consciousness is our most powerful weapon and force. Why? Because through consciousness we can connect to the infinite Power and Love of God, thus becoming, in turn, at the spirit level, invincible as prolongings / rays of the Divine Light.

  1. Theodore Roosevelt, Progressive covenant with the people, Recorded Aug. 1912, Published in New York by Thomas A. Edison, 1912,

  2. Antonio Gramsci, Selections from the Prison Notebook, edited and translated by Quitin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell Smith, International Publishers, New York, 1971

  3. Edward Bernays, Propaganda, H. Liveright, 1928

  4. William Sargeant, Battle for the Mind ― A Physiology of Coversion and Brain-Washing, 1957.

  5. Marica Micallef, The 2012 London Olympics Ceremony ― another ceremony full of predictive programming for Covid-19,

  6. CERN Inauguration, 2016,

  1. Abstract performance to celebrate Switzerland's rail opening ― Daily Mail, 2016,

  1. Stefano Chiappalone, Eurovision 2024, Satanism dished out live on TV, Daily Compass, 10 May 2024,

  2. Juri Lina, Under the sign of Scorpio, the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire,

  3. More details here:

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